Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Week Off

Josh is taking a much-needed week off of work, which means I'm getting a week off, too. We've taken day trips since Sunday, with more planned for three of the next four days (Saturday is presently undecided). I'm not scrapping, emailing, or lounging around (or cleaning more than the bare minimum). It's fantastic!

I'll write out stories (or more likely scrap the stories; I've gotten tons of pictures) but here's a taste of the past few days:

Sunday we went to the Canadian side of the Falls to meet up with Kimberly and her family, a fellow digiscrapper.
Monday we went to a beach, for Jasmine's first time (obviously Rebekah's too).
Tuesday was a trip to my family's to go to their zoo with them.
Today was the aquarium at the Falls and then to a McDonald's with a playplace.

I hope everyone is doing well and that my American readers are having a fantastic Independence Day!

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