Sunday, July 08, 2007

Praying for a Miracle

I'll try to write a longer post tomorrow with some of the fun details from our week of mini-vacations. What a great week it was!
But I'm asking right now that you pray with us. Josh lost his wedding band yesterday. He's worn it on a chain around his neck for the past 2+ years, and the clasp broke at some point yesterday morning. He felt the chain fall off, but didn't hear/see/feel the ring disappear.

I'm heartbroken. I know it's just a symbol. But it's a special symbol. And I absolutely hate the thought of someone else with that ring.

We retraced yesterday's steps this morning, with no success. There's nowhere else we can think to look, so now I'm really just praying for a miracle. We can buy a new one (with money we really don't have right now) but it's not the same! I don't want him to go without, but I hate the thought of going into debt any further...

Thank you for praying with us!

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