Saturday, December 29, 2007

I'm Not Here To Sell You Anything.

This afternoon, someone rang our doorbell, told Josh he wasn't selling anything (he "just wanted to clean a carpet in a heavy-traffic area so we could see how powerful it was") and spent at least two hours in our home.

I told Josh it was okay with the understanding that we did not need one and would not buy one. We did manage to get them from their starting price $1729, I think) down to $250 (for a "training model" without the shampooer) and still turned them down, but it was quite the experience. (oh, and we didn't try to negotiate, just repeatedly told him, "no," so we weren't purposely leading him on)

Did I mention he lied? Yeah. He sure did.

Anyways, a couple funny things came from that. Jasmine warmed up to him after a bit, and pulled out her little vacuum (not her new dustbuster that actually works, but her "Dyson" toy vacuum) and worked right next to him. Very cute.

And our dining room carpet does look really good (though it took far, far longer than the "one hour" to dry that he promised).

To me, the funniest moment was afterwards. The guy's boss came in to "discuss paperwork." He said, "as you know, cleanliness is next to godliness" in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way. After he left, Josh told me he wanted to ask, "yeah, so, that makes you a reverend then, huh?"

So are we the only ones to even let them in? We looked online after they left, and our experience is pretty normal. But have any of you, my family and friends, had them come in and do your carpet? As I watched him put an attachment on, I had the feeling I had done that at one point; I think maybe we had an old used one for awhile. Or else Emily (My roommate for 6 months before I met Josh) had one. I remembered using one though.

1 comment:

Deena said...

You let the kirby guy in?? LOL I did not even have to goto the link to know... I might check in out to make sure I was right though...

Those guys are terrible, and occasionally I have a horribly friend put me on a list and they call me, I am all like ummm NO... Kirby's are great machines, but they are WAY to heavy, and WAY to pricey... I am impressed you got them down to 250 though!!