Friday, December 21, 2007

"Keep Christmas With You"

You know how many songs there are that say something like that? A lot. I love them. But really, who wants to hear "Jingle Bells" in July? Do you have any idea the funny faces you'll get if you whistle "Sleigh Bells Ring" when it's 90 outside?

The best way I know to keep Christmas with you, is to not try to lose the holiday pounds (I read that people put on an average of 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas). You can look at that 7 pounds and be reminded of Christmas all year!

Yes, that was my attempt at being funny.

Jasmine and I made gingerbread men today. It was fun! and quite the adventure.
Then I decided we needed Russian Teacakes, so I went back in and made those. Yummmm!! I had forgotten that I don't usually make RT's because they never turn out for me. I don't ever mix it long enough, so at least half a dozen turn into a flat burned butter circle, and I can't get the last would-be 6 cookies to form a ball. Someday maybe...

Picture time!
Day 11: a lit candle

Day 12: a "mega closeup" of an object

Day 13: a word or letter (this is the way Jasmine thinks it goes!)
Day 14: (didn't do it yet) something green
Day 15: something girly

Day 16: a picture from inside, looking out

Day 17: (didn't do it) something sentimental
Day 18: a 2 and a 5

Day 19: something you're grateful for

1 comment:

Angela said...

You have some wonderful photos!!! I wish I would have done the photo a day for December!