Friday, April 04, 2008


I like birthdays. I've always tried to remember people's birthdays because it means so much when they remember mine. Of course, I've failed miserably at that this past year, forgetting to mention most of my friends' days, but it's still something I try to do.
Jasmine spent all day telling me today was her birthday, and no amount of discussion convinced her it was actually mine. Oh well, I got the presents and got spoiled by Josh, and she'll get the joy of having her real birthday next month, so it just makes things a little more fun :)
Funny, I'm still trying to get used to the idea of being an adult. Somehow owning a house and being a wife and the mother of two hasn't sunk in at that level yet. I'm still 16 and looking forward to being married and having a family of my own, right?? (my sister) Amy keeps telling me you're only as young as you feel/let youself think you are. I think that's sweet, but have absolutely no idea how old I think I am. None. Probably mid-twenties, which isn't all that different from reality.

This is one of the least coherent posts I've written. That must mean it's time for bed :)

1 comment:

Stacy said...


IKWYM about being a grownup. I've being dealing with that lately too. I've always had this idea of how a grownup should act and I've always tried to act that way. I blew that idea yesterday when I got a 2nd piercing in my ears. {{LOL}}