Saturday, April 12, 2008

Time to talk about Bekah

I tell Jasmine stories, since she says so many things that make us laugh. But I haven't said much about all the fun things Bekah's up to. So this post is dedicated to my younger daughter.

I've been working on teaching Bekah "Baby Signs," which is American Sign Language intended to make communication easier for babies. She's picking it up very quickly; she says "daddy" and "more," "happy" and "diaper."
The fun thing, to me, is that she's been saying more, at the same time. It's like she realized she didn't have to say it perfectly before she could try saying it. She sings "mah na mah na" with me (echoing me), and says things like "yum" ("numnum") and "yuck" ("ickickick"), and "hi" and "bye-bye."
And she is trying to echo us whenever she thinks it will get a laugh. Last night Jasmine said "ready..." and Bekah finished with "set, go!"

Then there are things like: If you say something is silly, she giggles. She knows "silly" needs a laugh. If anyone laughs or claps, she joins in. She dances whenever she hears music, but especially when she hears TobyMac.
And she loves to wear shoes. Hers or anyone else's...she loves shoes.

It's so much fun watching her personality start to bloom. She's quite a character!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Cute stories. The girls are getting so big!