Jasmine has been sleeping in the 'big bed' with me since, well, since she was 5 months old. Bekah's been sleeping in her "castle bed" for the past few weeks now, and as long as Josh was in the room, she usually slept through the night. (we think she woke up a couple times, would look over and see him there, and go back to sleep, because the couple nights he slept in our room, she woke up howling).
But it was time. Wednesday night Jasmine kicked and hit me in her sleep. She sleeps through, unless she has to get up to go to the bathroom, but she isn't always a restful sleeper.
So Wednesday evening we went to a furniture store and looked at beds to see if she liked them. She liked them but wasn't convinced she'd sleep in it. So we went home, and that evening and all day yesterday, we talked about the idea of a "princess bed" and her getting her own bed.
Last night we went to Toys R Us and looked at the Princess Beds they have there. She liked it and wanted us to buy it, but wasn't convincing that she'd sleep in it.
So I kept talking to her, and eventually she was pretty convincing that she would sleep in it. I decided we'd enforce it, even if she changed her mind...I wasn't going to buy a bed that she'd ignore come nightfall.
Well, she loved it! She helped us put it together (Bekah tried to help, too!) and then was bouncing off the walls. She couldn't wait to go to bed! She brought 'Essla' (Cinderella) to bed with her, she wore Princess Jammies, and she went to bed very easily! It took awhile to get to sleep, but it worked!

And here are a few layouts I posted yesterday :) I had a fun week!