Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cast Photos

Jasmine is in a "don't-take-pictures-of-me" mood today, so this is the best I could get. She can't run away from the camera, so closing her eyes is the next best thing!

She's feeling a ton better. She cried during the night (in her sleep) so I gave her some Motrin at 2. She didn't cry again after that, and this morning says it doesn't hurt. God is so good!

Meanwhile, I'm fighting serious guilt...that we didn't think to look for the Motrin until the morning after (which is HUGE since my cousin said femur breaks are reputed to be more painful than childbirth)...that we got frustrated with her for gasping before we even touched her when we were going to pick her up...
But God is good. She didn't need surgery (which apparently is a common need in femur breaks...they looked carefully to make sure they wouldn't need to put in a rod)...she didn't swell up much, so she didn't need to wait to get a cast like I did when I broke my ankle in 5th grade...she has a pretty pink cast (and she thinks everything in her world should be pink)...and she doesn't hurt anymore. So I'm choosing to focus on that, and the fact that we got our girl back (instead of the sad, pained, tired girl we saw yesterday) and be thankful.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So glad to hear she's doing well now.