Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Puppy Love

Last week I decided I was ready to tackle adding a dog to the mix of our lives. Yesterday I found her. A 6-month old matla-tzu (or malshi...maltese/shi tzu mix) named Mia. She is tiny, friendly, and doesn't bark! (we've had her since 8 last night and have yet to hear her bark. The lady we got her from said she heard her 2-3 times when she was on the wrong side of a fence and wanted to play with her kids on the other side)
Jasmine couldn't get enough of her...last night. Today she wants nothing to do with her. Definitely being a bit of a drama queen at the moment, which is a fun learning experience for me!
Good thing my camera is fast; she likes the camera strap so doesn't sit still long when it's out!

Bekah's much more daring than Jasmine at the moment (no, actually, always!)

This is her usual state, with one ear up. It's so cute! We know she's really asleep when that ear is down.

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