Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Finding the positive: day 2

This will be brief because it's tired and I'm late.

Oops. That doesn't look right, but it's too funny to change it to the boring way.

~I got to go grocery shopping by myself! I love going with my family, but it's kind of fun to get out for an hour by myself once in awhile, even if it's just to buy groceries
~I used coupons! Okay, so only about 6, but I feel really good about that! And three of them were for items less than $1, so they were doubled!! Go me!!
~I very nearly almost kept up with the laundry. All that's left is folding the last load and bringing baskets to their appropriate rooms. So that needs to happen tomorrow. But close!
~I had a Plumeria candle burning all day. It was lovely, and the house smells like Hawaii!

1 comment:

ChloƩ said...

Great job about the laundry! I loved catching up with your positive journal, thanks for brightening my morning!