Monday, March 15, 2010

Positive Thinking? You sure?

I hate Daylight Saving Time. I think it's one of the dumber ideas out there. The days get longer whether you change the silly clocks or not. Let's not mess with everyone's internal clocks twice a year, shall we?
Between that, and the fact that Hudson decided he wanted to nurse-let go-fuss-nurse for between 30 and 60 straight minutes in the middle of the night, I'm tired. The gray skies aren't exactly lightening my mood.
So an attempt to be cheerful and find the positive is much more of a stretch today. My friend wrote "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." and I realized that, even when life just feels wayyyy too hard, it's still a day God created, and He loves it when we find the positive things in the day and thank Him for it.

So today I'm going to try to focus on:
~the snow is basically gone. That's a wonderful treat for mid-March!
~Hudson is 11 months old today! He's growing up so fast.
~My girls are being really cute, playing Wii Sports together. They're playing well together, not arguing but are being helpful instead.
~Bedtime is 4 short hours away.
~Jasmine suggested eggs and (English) muffins for lunch today. I decided that sounded reasonable, making her so happy and appreciative!

here are a couple pictures from last weekend:

What the snowmen looked like after we'd had some sun for a few days

1 comment:

ChloƩ said...

Glad you were able to find some positive despite being tired! Thanks for the beautiful pix!!!