Friday, March 05, 2010

Positivity: day 5

It's funny that I take the time to tag these, since they'll all be together...


it's sunny out again today. Definitely helps my overall outlook, even if it didn't inspire me to want to wash dishes.
So far today:
~I'm thankful for 6 1/2 years of marriage to my Prince Charming. Funny to think that 6 1/2 years ago I was counting down the minutes, and now the hours and days has changed in so many ways, all for the better. I love you, Josh!
~I've got heavenly rolls rising for supper tonight. I'm not sure what's going with them, but who cares?? There will be rolls!
~Flavored coffee. Mmmmmmmm.
~Our refund came! And it was for more than we thought, since we'd forgotten to add something that they got a form for. Nice blessing!!
~I have really cute kids. They may not always listen right away, but they're great kids and I'm so thankful that I get every day with them. They're healthy, they're smart, and they make great photoshoot subjects!

1 comment:

ChloƩ said...

Awww, I love this positive entry, just sweet! Congrats on your halfiversary! LOL