Monday, March 01, 2010

March: Finding the Positive

My friend Chloe decided to spend the month of March finding the positive in things. I tend to do this anyways, but there are days when I just can't see the good in the day, so I've decided to join her!

So here goes! Today I'm thankful...
~for DiBella's, and for Josh's willingness to bring home subs when I beg
~Hudson entertains himself (when I'm in the room) long enough that I was able to put the CDs back on their tower (moved them from the former Black Hole to our closet)
~We had a great time playing Beatles Rockband as a family, with very few arguments and lots of fun music
~I wasn't tired, in spite of having a hard time falling asleep last night.

More tomorrow, I hope!


Heather T. said...

Great job! =)

ChloƩ said...

I'm so glad you joined!!! Love the good things you enjoyed today!