Monday, August 02, 2010


Jasmine fascinates me. She has taken it upon herself to break us into all stages of parenting the hard way.
Pregnancy: lasted 42 weeks instead of the usual (ish) 40.
Birth, we don't talk about.
Babyhood: quintessential "fussy baby" or "high-needs baby." I don't think we would have survived had it not been for Dr. Sears' Fussy Baby Book. He was a voice of reason when we were pulling out our hair. And the next time we started pulling our hair out.
Childhood: don't most children outgrow the contrary nature before they're 5 1/2?? Because she's determined to hold onto it as long as possible.

But with those challenges also comes some of the sweetest, most awesome moments.

This young child has the confidence of, I don't know. Who's the most confident person you know? She's like that.
She was playing at the park on Saturday. She introduced herself to an 8-year old girl, who I had been watching and was very comfortable playing with kids her age.
but a couple minutes later, I saw Jasmine walking with her hand waving over her head, and this 8-year old was happily following, doing the same motion.
And I know Jasmine wasn't just being bossy, because there's no way that girl would have put up with it. She is just a natural leader.

It excites me to see how God has made her. I certainly can't take credit for it!!

She makes my heart smile.

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