Tuesday, August 31, 2010


...someday I won't be wearing ponytails every day. But while it gets up to 90 every day and we have a window a/c unit that I usually forget to turn on, ponytails are a *must.*

...someday I'll figure out how to do laundry the way the tags tell me to. Not that I'll do it that way, but I'll know how.

...someday I'll actually convince Tamron that my lens is, indeed, broken again. Third time. And that it's time for a new one or a replacement. And they'll follow through. And I will be happy.

...someday I'll think to look at the coming week's weather when planning my grocery list and meals for the week, instead of thinking about what the past week looked like. And we'll stop making soup when it's 90 and salads when it's 30.

...someday the house won't look like a tornado came through every afternoon. I suppose at the same time, we'll have far fewer brightly-colored things on the main floor. They most likely go hand in hand!

...someday I'll find my own voice in writing, even after reading blog posts of others. And in my photography. And maybe I won't be so self-conscious of whatever that voice looks like.

But for now, I'll try to be patient and like who God's made me to be *right now.*

Speaking of pictures, here are a few from Saturday:
Sarah has been a good friend of mine since we were three. Seeing her so happy and beautiful made me warm all over!

Josh commented that it had been far too long since we'd gotten pictures of the two of us. So I pulled out my tripod before the reception and used the remote, and got a few!!

And we finally got to meet my adorable, precious nephew Jabin! He is a tiny little thing, but I know he'll remedy that quickly.

(oh, and for anyone who reads this in their inbox, I have a new, simpler blog header up now!)

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