Wednesday, September 01, 2010

101 updates

Old mattresses came out of the girls' room:

and were replaced by beautiful, sturdy-but-soft mattresses that were more than 50% off:

And remember how I was supposed to burn up the rest of our wedding-favor candles in my *first* 101 in 1001 list? I still had 13 left. So I made a point of actually doing it this time. They weren't great candles, and then adding the fact that I burned 3-4 together, they were a melted pool of wax within a couple hours. Not exactly Yankee Candle quality! But it was pretty to watch:

Reading is going well. I finished reading Jasmine and Bekah Charlotte's Web. Let me say, for the record, that there is something seriously wrong about crying when a spider dies. It's just beyond wrong.
And I finished my second book "for me" and have started my third. I would like to push myself to read a few "deeper" books, or at least more intellectual, but Bridget Jones is pretty funny!

I did situps this morning to start on the "do situps or planks every day for a month." I'd love to lose some of this tummy. The weight is gone, so why do I still look early pregnant??? Hoping by the end of the month there will be a change for the better.

So I'm making decent progress!

1 comment:

Amy Turon said...

Flabby tummy.....after having five babies myself, I am indeed proud of that flabby tummy. Stomach muscles pulled to their extreme edge five times, now they're too pooped to do their "thing." It's OK. I'm a proud mommy.