Friday, September 10, 2010

my latest obsessions

Just in case my old ones weren't enough, I've added some new obsessions.

old ones: baby toes, finishing things, coffee, a lack of snow, and these guys:

and my new ones:

uploading pictures to various contests (Pioneer Woman and I Heart Faces, on top of my weekly challenge on Facebook and the yearly one that's making me itch in anticipation)

monitoring said challenges to see if I'm winning

finding new ways to sneak zucchini and eggplant into our diet (which totally defeats the point. I love both veggies and would be happy eating them multiple times a week. The girls would revolt and run to Grandma's house, though, so I try not to cook with them very often). I've found some amazing zucchini bread recipes, including one that tastes more like a chocolate cake than a bread.

using coupons but not making any more trips to the store than I already do. And not buying things that are different from what we already use. (I'm so proud that I saved about 15% last night! That is *huge* considering I didn't buy a single thing in the grocery aisle!)

getting SwagBucks for doing Google searches (see my little swidget on the side bar?) It's not as good as Google so I often end up doing both. But I have almost enough points to get a gift card, so I'm willing to waste a few seconds here and there!

wearing patriotic T-shirts on important "America" days. Like tomorrow. I have an Old Navy flag shirt from 2001 (which I got after July 4th for next to nothing, not realizing just how important 2001 would be in this country's history) that I'll be proudly wearing. Jasmine has an "America Rocks" t-shirt she can wear. I think Hudson's the only one without some sort of patriotic garb. I should remedy that. hmm.

weekends. oh, I guess that's an always-obsession. Nothing new there!

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