Thursday, September 02, 2010

I should really learn how to filter what I say

I can relate so well to Sophie in Music and Lyrics, "I have no filtering system." I'm chatty and open and a fault. So many times I wish I could eat my words. Or hit "delete." It's possible on the computer, unless I've already published my comments and people have responded. Then it's the equivalent of apologizing and wishing I could disappear into my hole, just like in real life.

Remember my excitement about not quitting when running got so hard? Guess who's putting up her running shoes for the moment??
See, the strollers are really making the run difficult. And my ankle does okay in day-to-day living, but running really hurts.
We went back out a few days after my last post, and 4 steps after the run started, I had to stop and limp home. I've been wearing an ace bandage/ankle brace since then. It doesn't hurt much most of the time (i.e. I haven't gotten around to calling the chiropractor) but the thought of running again is definitely too much for me.

So for now, I am quitting. I'm proud that we finished that run so strong. I'm excited to realize that running really is something fun and an accomplishment. But for now, it's just not happening for me.

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