Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A contest and some Jasmine and Rebekah stories

I have a hard time titling anything. It's so hard thinking of titles for layouts, and I'm no better at it when I'm posting here! Oh well.

First off, Jenna, whose creative team I'm on, is having a contest. You can win a set of one a kind Quick Pages by the creative team by sharing your favorite "Momisms" or bits of advice you got from your mom. You can check out her blog for details. Here's a preview:
In other news...
Jasmine's been saying "nee-how" lately. I couldn't figure out how she was learning Chinese, but apparently it's "need help." I think that's pretty sweet!
She loves to count. She walks around saying "one, two, three, five, six, seven, nine, TEN! One..." sometimes she has 4 and 8 in there too, but the last couple days she's decided those ones are optional.
And she loves identifying the alphabet. She still is at about 7, though she likes to guess on the others. And she can correctly tell if something is a number or if it's a letter. It's fun to watch her learning this. M is still her favorite...I like that, my name being "Mama" and all.

Rebekah absolutely adores her sister, too. She grins at her and loves it when I help them play "pat-a-cake" together (which I was never good about doing when it was just Jasmine). Unfortunately Jasmine has started "c'mere" to her, trying to pick her up when she's sad. So I have to watch her closely!

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