Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Girls

Rebekah has found her feet! I think it's one of the cutest things, watching babies grab their toes. She was playing under her toy (the kind where you hit the things that hang over your head to make the music play), hitting it with one hand and grabbing her toes with the other. Adorable.

(which reminds me. I really need to make a new blog header!)

Jasmine has become a real "little person" lately. She's more than a toddler...she really converses with us now, and is a huge part of things.
The past couple days, everything has been "cute." She saw a picture with a lamp in the background, and said "light, cute!" It's hilarious.
A few minutes ago she asked for chips (healthy ones, no potato chips are in this house most of the time). I looked, but we finished them off already, so I called to her (she was in the other room) and asked if she wanted Cheerios. She came trotting down, and said, "chips!" "Sorry, Jasmine, we don't have any chips. Would you like a rice cake?" She said "cake!" and was happy to get in her high chair and munch. It may seem like a little thing, but it just showed me how much she understands of what's being said and done around here!

Here are a couple layouts I've done in the past couple days:

Oh! And I started up a second blog! Don't worry; this is still my main one. The other is tutorials for beginning digital scrappers. It's rough right now, but hopefully it will get smoother and more professional as I figure out what I'm doing! Come see it here.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I so love when babies find their feet!