Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pictures Galore!

We have more work to do (as you can plainly see) but it's coming, and I've had requests for pictures, so here you go. I'll try to get more as we get rooms truly finished, but for now.....(drumroll please):

The kitchen. New stove, new fridge (used dishwasher not shown)

Kitchen view 2.
The dining room. Needs some TLC.
The living room, view one. Sorry I'm not coming up with clever captions for this!
View two. TV hasn't even been plugged in yet! (it will be tonight though, because two of our three shows are on tonight)
My "nook." Finally getting to use my Turkish stuff again! All the decorations are directly from Turkey except the blanket on the back of the chair, which I bought in Cozumel:

The sun porch (i.e. Playroom #1)
The girls' room. Because I'm using the cedar closet in our room, I passed down my dresser to Jasmine. Who loves to open the drawers.
Another view of the girls' room, i.e. Play Room #3.
This is looking from the top of the stairs. At some point we'll put in safety glass since the window is really that close to the floor and we'd rather not something (or someone) go flying out of it *shudder*
Oops. Back downstairs. This is the laundry/toy/changing room. Formerly known as the third bedroom. Play Room #2.
Bed, and Rebekah. Finally using the whole bed again, not just the mattress, now that we found those awesome bed rails!
The cedar closet, and my collection of Occupied Japan Figurines. They haven't all been out together, ever, because I've never had enough room! And yes, I've stopped buying more. Someday I'll tell you the story.
The shadow boxes in our closet door. Isn't that cool?
The girl's room, view 3. That small door is the entrance to the attic (on the same floor, above the kitchen) that we may someday turn into a play room. because three isn't enough, apparently.
Um, girls' room, view 4.

So there you have it!

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