Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I usually have a positive view of people. I can usually find some reason for bad behavior, which, if nothing else, keeps me from getting really angry at them.

For example: there was someone in the neighborhood behind our old apartment who was picked up every day for work. He (she?) was never ready at the door when the carpool arrived. So the driver honked. "Beep Beep Beeeeep." If s/he didn't make it in about 30 seconds, then I would hear "beeeep beeep BEEEEEEEEEEEEP."

It was almost always when Jasmine was napping. Thankfully, most of the time she was out enough that the noise didn't bother her, but occasionally she was just falling asleep, and the insistent beeping would wake her up and I'd have to start all over (or give up and try again later).

I thought both of them were being pretty inconsiderate. The driver, for honking and bothering neighbors, of which there were many. The person being picked up, for not being ready, knowing s/he was being picked up at the same time, every single day.

So I tried to find a reason for the whole thing. Okay, maybe the person being picked up was blind. Maybe s/he couldn't sit and watch for the car (which would explain why the ride was needed), so the driver had to honk.

Of course, the likelihood of that being the case is pretty slim, but it made me less frustrated at them both. I still rolled my eyes when I heard it, but at least it didn't make me mad.

The garage sale that wasn't, brought this all back up again, but unfortunately in this case there is nothing I could think of that lessened the blow. They were able to close the garage door, put away whatever had been in the yard or driveway...yet they couldn't take the 10-15 minutes to pull down their signs, at the very least the one on the main street? I really did try to come up with some scenario so I could give them the benefit of the doubt. Nope, still nothing. Maybe they planned to open up again on Sunday but had to go to the hospital that morning and didn't get a chance to re-open??? That's such a stretch I can't buy it!

Can you come up with any reason for it, other than sheer laziness and not caring how many people they inconvenienced?

While you're thinking, here are two layouts I've done with pictures from Saturday's birthday party at the park (fun, but cooooold!):

1 comment:

Alice said...

This is a fun game.

Maybe they had to close early, because the wife went into premature labor, and they had to close up immediately and leave.

Maybe they were on the way to take down the signs, but on the way, they got in a car accident.

My aunt works for Northwest taking calls from customers with problems. She has to play this game all the time to excuse people who missed their flight, or just have really inconvenient problems.