Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I had never heard of a burm, but apparently the lump of dirt in front of our side yard is one .
When we first moved in, we had a row of bushes there. Josh didn't have the "landscapers" remove them when they "flattened and re-seeded" our yard. But the bushes weren't exactly in great shape, and they were hard to find.

So Josh pulled out the bushes a few weeks ago, leaving a big bunch of dirt.
We couldn't figure out what to put there, until all the lilies around us started blooming. I love daylilies. They're so happy and sunny! So guess what we decided to put in?
Yup, bushes. (just kidding)

Hopefully they'll take off!


Kelly said...

Great idea to put lilies there. I hope they do well for you!

Melissa said...

I love day lillies too. Looks great.