Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Daddy! You Lost Me!"

How's that for being the first thing you hear waking up in the morning?

Last night Jasmine had a bit of an hour-long meltdown at midnight (thankfully she had already been asleep for three hours at that point). She ended up only going back to sleep while being in "Mommy's Chair", which is the big, overstuffed rocking chair/recliner my parents gave us when Jasmine was born.

This isn't the first time she felt she needed to sleep there, but it's the first time we've actually tried letting her follow through on it.

All things considered, I think it went well. She slept almost 7 hours without any disturbance. But the crying "Daddy! You lost me!" as she was waking up was just too cute and too sweet and too kinda sad. I had to write about it.

- Josh

P.S. She was fine. I told her I hadn't lost her, but that she had just wanted to sleep on the chair. All was forgotten in a moment.

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