Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Trying to get inside her busy mind

Jasmine has a runny nose today.
We're not sure if it's allergies (my sinuses have been bothering me, and I'm pretty sure it's allergies) or a head cold. So we've tried to ask her questions to figure out how to treat it.

At lunch today, Josh asked her if she hurt anywhere. She said yes. When asked where, she answered "my chin!"

Only semi-helpful answer.

Later on, she told me she was getting sick and that she needed medicine. I asked her what medicine she meant, and she told me she needed "paya" (Papaya-Mint stomach-comfort chewable tablets, the health-food version of Tums).

A minute ago I went to wipe her nose for the umpteenth time, and she said, "blowing my nose, and blowing my nose, and blowing my nose..." I guess she's getting a little tired of this too!!

Hopefully she'll be back to normal tomorrow, but in the meantime, we're not sure if we should keep her away from other people, or if we should be feeding her local honey to help her immune system get used to the allergens.

*sigh* The quandaries of parenthood!

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