Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I was always a fast test-taker. In high school I couldn't leave when I was done, but it didn't slow me down. I wouldn't have done as well if I'd tried to go slowly...I wasn't racing; it was just my pace.

In college we could leave when we were finished, which was perfect for me. I was always the first one out.

Until my psychology class, my junior year. Someone else had a faster pace than me.

And when he left, I would panic, thinking I was doing something wrong, trying too hard. (appropriate class to have this realization, non?)

It took me about half the semester to finally realize that he was just a faster test-taker than me. It didn't mean I was going too slowly. I was getting fine grades...I just had to ignore the fact that he left the room before I did.

Why am I telling this random story? The same is happening to me again, this time about Jasmine.
She has been so early for everything. Walking at 7 1/2 months. First teeth at 4 1/2 months. But with talking, she's at more of an "average" level. It doesn't mean she's not bright (she is!), but that she's not in as much of a hurry to make complete sentences as she was to roll over/crawl/cruise/walk/run/jump/....

She does have an immense vocabulary and is starting to put words together ("Bekah fun!") and I know there is no reason to worry. It's just one of those things, like my test-taking speed in school.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I know how you feel. More with the 2 of my kiddos- Jack was very quick and Henry is way more laid back. I often catch myself comparing and then have to dismiss my thought, because they're each their own person. But it's still easy to get those thoughts. And I've heard it often that either a child is fast with motor skills or fast in the vocal skills and seldom in both. :o)

Anonymous said...

I was the same way with tests in school! I would even sit a little longer with it completely finished just so I wasn't the first one. lol

She'll be fine - as I'm sure you've already heard a million times from others. My oldest didn't really start talking very well until 2.5y - he just finished kindergarten now and I can't believe all the things he has grasped this school year.