Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I blogged!!

I updated the Beginning Digital Scrapbooking blog so feel free to check it out!

Josh took the morning off and we went to the Pumpkin Farm. What fun! Jasmine talked about it all the way there, and this year it took her about 2 minutes before she felt comfortable (compared to 20 minutes last year).

Bekah liked them too!

Posing for us.

My punkin amongst the pumpkins :)

and with daddy :)

Jasmine had fun on the little wooden train. She wasn't uncomfortable when a busload of daycare kids showed up; she just did her own thing, not ignoring them but not necessarily playing with them, either.

And we let her choose her own pumpkin. This isn't the one she ultimately chose, but she was pretty excited about it for a minute!

I'm excited to have new pictures to scrap, as usual.

1 comment:

~Melissa~ said...


I was reading a post at TDC about changing blog templates and saw the site you posted... but I can't seem to get the html to work for me. Not sure if it's a mac thing. But anyway.... was wondering if you might be willing to email me your html and I can just edit it to suit my blog?

Your girls are adorable... wishing we had even something close to a pumpkin patch here. :)

Have a great day!