Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm from the government, and I'm here to help

Hi again. It's Josh.

I just have to say something about the Bass Pro idiocy that's going on around here. For those in Rochester, Bass Pro is Buffalo's equivalent of the Fast Ferry. For those of you not in Rochester or Buffalo, just think of the stupidest thing your local government has done in the last 5-10 years.

Why does anyone fall for the idea that giving away $35,000,000.00 of the taxpayers money to a fishing store will radically turn our local and regional economy around? Is there anyone who really believes this notion that "if we build it, they will come" from miles around, driving all day and all night, make a weekend vacation of some sort out of it, just to buy fishing lures? And that these people will bring in massive amounts of additional revenue to local businesses? (Because, as everyone knows, people who shop at Bass Pro are filthy stinking rich, and they always pump endless supplies of cash into the pockets store owners wherever they go.) And for those of you who think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. That's really their reasoning. Scary, huh?

I think I've come to the realization that absolutely nothing good can be accomplished in government right now. If conservatives and liberals, moderates and independents, socialists and libertarians can't all come together and force their politicians to end corporate welfare like this, then what hope have we? Half the country hates corporations, half the country hates welfare, and at least half of it hates both! But still, massive give-outs like this are commonplace. So commonplace in fact, that I've probably bored many of you by even discussing it.

Oh well. At least we have an elite group of some of the nicest, smartest, most moral, least controversial people we've ever had running for president this time. So maybe things aren't so bad!

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