Friday, October 12, 2007

Pictures, as promised

It was a year ago today that we had the freak "Columbus Day Storm." 22 inches of snow falling on trees, still covered in leaves. The destruction is still apparent in some of the suburbs, and some of the trees in this area are limbless and sad.
A year ago tomorrow was our car accident that totalled our car and gave us the "joy" of an afternoon in the ER while they made sure we were fine and ignoring the health of Bekah. (don't get me started on that). Thankfully we were all fine, once our sternums (sterna?) healed from the seatbelts doing their job.

On to happier stuff.

Who knew there was a waterfall in Williamsville???

Obviously not from the photo shoot ;) Bekah's discovered the joys of tunnels!

And standing, her favorite thing to do. No videos of her walking yet...hopefully in the next week or two we'll catch her doing it.

Please keep her in your prayers. She has a head cold (a low-grade fever and runny nose) and is very sad. It's heartbreaking. She slept very little last night (and Jasmine woke up crying 3-4 times, so I'm running on caffeine today) and is sitting in my lap, whimpering. I feel so bad for her!

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