Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another "typical" date

Everyone asks what we do on our dates. Since last night was a little crazier than usual, I thought I'd give you a play-by-play.

lunchtime: discuss what to make for dinner

3:30: chat with Josh to decide exactly what time to plan for it to be finished (6:00. That means I need to start at 5).

Check the VCR clock. 5:00. Panic. Where did the afternoon go?? Go put the garlic in the oil for the "dressing" (making a yummy taco salad).
Notice while I'm in the kitchen that those clocks say 4:00. Oh. Right. Josh unplugged the VCR, which means it did "automatic clock set," and is therefore an hour off. *phew*

5:00 start pulling ingredients. Run Jasmine to the bathroom. Twice.

5:15 Oh rats. I forgot to buy chickpeas. Call Josh, ask him to stop on his way home.

Make dinner. It will be a few minutes later because of his detour.

5:45 Josh home to take Jasmine to the office for her "grandpa and grandma date." She's thrilled.

6:00 set up Mario Party 3 on our Nintendo 64.

6:10 Josh home for dinner. We eat and play, catching up on our day

Spend the whole time trying to keep the cords out of Bekah's mouth.

7:40 Set up a tape for the "new Frasier Show" (I know, it's Kelsey Grammer, but we call him Frasier. Sorry, dude, you're Frasier for life!)

7:50 Josh picks Jasmine up

8:30 watch taped show (not bad, hopefully it will get better and a little meatier down the line)

So there you have it. Don't you wish you could be us??? :)

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