Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Catch-up time again

I've gotten so far behind in posting layouts here! My requirement as part of the CT at TDC is to post layouts to at least three galleries. By the time that's done, I have no desire to do them anywhere else, though it's so easy here. No excuse, I know, but that's the way it goes.

So without further ado, here are a few of the layouts I've done the last few days.

I had to make an "all about me" layout. Each of the squares in the negatives frame is something very important to me. Istanbul, Josh, TDC, America, daisies, coffee, Jasmine and Bekah (not in that order, of course)

Here's the layout I made about our anniversary day out. I love the little animals; aren't they adorable?

Here's a very atypical page for me. It was so much fun, though! I was so excited to see this cebu again at the zoo, so Josh got pictures of me petting him. (for anyone thoroughly confused: watch Veggie Tales' "Josh and the Big Wall" and it will all be clear)
A picture I got at my parents' a couple weeks ago. Aren't they the cutest?

Pictures I scanned in from Josh's childhood. What a cutie!!

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