Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Camera Update

The auction is over. It sold for just over $140!! And the best part? The winning bidder is a woman I know from thedigichick! I'm guessing she read about the auction here (otherwise how did she know that jvracing was me?!) because I got a message from her as soon as it was over, telling me who had just won.

So I'm pleased. Someone who needed it (hers died 2 weeks ago) and who will "love it" like we did won. Peru is getting a little more money to help in their recovery. And we're blessed knowing it's going to a good home, and the money to a good cause.

God is good!!

In case you're wondering, I haven't forgotten about my top-10 list. (I can tell everyone wants to know by all the replies here ;) I have 4 more to come up with, and I'm hoping Josh will help me word them right so they're as funny as they are to us.

In the meantime, here's a Jasmine tidbit.
If you ask her what she wants, her reply is "let's see..." and then if she still hasn't decided, another "let's see..." I'm not sure where she picked that one up, because I don't think we say it!

Bekah is getting dedicated this Sunday at my family's church. So pictures of that next week!!

And here are two pictures from my grandma's trip to see my family last week:

Oh, one more thing. A layout I did this afternoon, of Jasmine playing in our backyard. What? I forgot to mention that too??
We got a swing set this week! Free! From CraigsList!! I'm so pleased, and Jasmine thinks it's perfect. :)
(click to see it in the gallery and the comments and credits)

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