Friday, September 14, 2007

Happy VideoDay!

Bev's still hanging in there. Her husband is home now, so she feels like it would be okay to go into labor now. Who knows if that's what the baby has in mind, but at least she doesn't have to worry so much now.

Okay, here are a whole bunch of videos. Jasmine got a little silly, but this is how she sings it most of the time, even when she's not being taped. We call it "Chipmunk Rap." Usually she doesn't need this much prompting...she does know nearly all of the words.

But first: Mah-na-mah-na.

And trying again (a little more excited):

Jesus Loves Me:

A little of each girl:

And some of just Bekah, doing her newest thing:

1 comment:

Tamra said...

They are adorable, Charlene! And aren't they growing up? I can't believe Bekah is already that big! Love her little Yankees top, btw :)