Thursday, May 11, 2006


You know? I think I should take what I learned from my last post and remember that. If I'm feeling discouraged, rather than wait until I'm happy again to post, I should go ahead and write about what's upsetting me. Thank you soooo much for your encouragment and kind words.

I could no more give up scrapbooking than give up speaking English. It was a ridiculous thought I had that night, but I knew it wouldn't happen...I love it! I need that creative outlet, and when the computer was acting up yesterday and I couldn't use it at all, I realized that I have so many FRIENDS online. I felt completely isolated! And poor Josh heard all about it the minute he walked through the door...can't do that to him again.

Jasmine turned one yesterday. Where did the year go? Where did that little baby that laid there and wanted to learn everthing go? Where did this girl who walks and talks and entertains come from?
She had a good birthday, except that her teeth are really bothering her. The first molar came in on Monday evening, and the second is really, really close, and it's hurting her much more than the firs one did. We've had two kinda rough nights, and some rough patches during the day as well. She's being kinda cranky, so I should end this now so I can make sure she's relaxing while she nurses...she really needs some more sleep!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm glad you came to your senses, girlie! We would miss your pages in the gallery! Scrap on!