I should know better. First off, it was far from being my best layout. It was one that I was trying too hard to be 'artsy' on. I'm not artsy. I love clean lines, pages that could be either "paper" or digital (i.e. realistic)...and I tried to be something I'm not. I was only sorta convinced it was ready to be posted in the competition, but people whose opinions I value highly said it was perfect, so I went with it, though I had plenty of time to keep working on it. All week, I said to myself, "if I make it through the first cut, I'll have another chance." So I knew the whole time that I was a long shot...
I also should know better than to try for competitions like that. There are some that I'm fine with. But something like this, no. I didn't audition for the Concerto Competition in college because I knew I wouldn't get in, but even so I'd spend the rest of my life thinking "if only" and trying to change the past. Why did I forget that here??
So it kinda made me dislike the picture of Jasmine that I used, which was horrible since it's an awesome picture. To keep from letting it be permanently scarred, I re-scrapped it. It doesn't count for anything, but it helps. Kinda like cleaning house AFTER unexpected company showed up and saw the house in complete disarray, this is my opportunity to remember the experience with a little less pain and frustration. And to prove to myself that i do still love to scrap.

Three blessings from God today:
1. Jasmine. She is so funny! Imitating us, getting more creative in her play...
2. This weather. I love it!!
3. Josh. He brought me lunch today since I was still a little down about the competition. Yay for DiBella's subs!! :)
This may be THE most beautiful layout I have ever seen!!
Don't you dare quit scrapping and don't you dare be down on yourself!!! There were wayyyyyyyy tooo many people in that competition for you to feel bad about yourself and your scrapping! Your layouts are wonderful! And you will prize them and so will Jasmine for the rest of your lives!!!! You rawk!!!
Keep on keepin' on, girl. I don't know a thing about the competition, but I liked what I saw. You don't need people to tell you how good (or otherwise) that your scrapping is. You KNOW. Plus - it's about you and your family. How can it be "wrong" or "not good enough"? I wish often that I was as talented as you are with the scrapping and your dedication to memory keeping. And...
I love you!!!
Well, I didn't get to read part one, but part two was very humbling. I think this layout, no matter what the first one looked like, is AWESOME! I LOVE that picture of your daugther and I love clean lines too :) AND do NOT stop scrapping!! You are AWESOME
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