Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fun questions

I'm not in a very creative scrapping mood today, so I spent the girls' nap just reading forums for scrapping sites. I saw questions on one of the blogs that sounded like fun to answer...I'd love to see if you decide to answer them too :D

1. If you could witness one supernatural event–whether you believe in the supernatural or not–what would it be? Why? I would love to have seen what happened in the Upper Room described in Acts 2. To see tongues of fire come down on the 120 must have been exciting, scary and really, really cool :) And what must the people have thought to hear them speaking in tongues, something completely known to the entire human race??

2. What is your earliest memory? Why do you think you have remembered that particular event or thing? My earliest memory is from when I was about 2 1/2, I think (right, mom?) and they bought me a replacement Pooh Bear from Sears. I loved to pull the stuffing out of my animals (and soft dolls) so I think that's why I got a new one. I have no idea why I remember it, but I can still see how high the counter looked to me at that age, and having my parents hand it down to me was really exciting. I still have that Pooh :)

3. Pick a friend or acquaintance with whom you think you would like to start a new business venture. What business? Katie and I used to talk about setting up a used bookstore/coffee shop on the main floor of a Victorian house. Of course, that was before Josh and Tim (and Jasmine and Rebekah) entered the picture, but I still think we'd have fun.
Josh and I toyed around with the idea of an unusual restaurant, serving the dishes our families are best at (alfredo pizza, awesome reubens, lemon meringue pie, that kind of thing).

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