Sunday, November 11, 2012

Emma's Birthday

You may remember Emma Grace. If you don't, you can read about her story here.
Today was her first birthday. It was by far the biggest first birthday I've ever witnessed.
No cake, though. Just balloons, stories, and songs.
And the most perfect weather we've had in the past 3 months.

We went home with a candle they gave us, with directions that we should light it to remember her. Of course the kids decided that needed to be "right now," so we obliged.
Then Hudson said we should sing "Happy Birthday" to her. Smart boy!
He was heartbroken that his balloon, with a Jasmine-drawn picture of us hugging Jesus, flew away before the right time. Though really, he was sad about it blowing away at all. I told him that was what was supposed to happen, but it really bothered him, so I told him maybe Jasmine could draw him another picture when we got home. Hopefully she won't mind.


Karen said...

Thank you for the picture of that beautiful white balloon. It means more than I can say.

Charla said...

You're so welcome, Karen. I made sure Josh let go of a white one for you (I was too busy taking pictures to take my own balloon ;) )