Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cats (again)

Jasmine has been stuffy for a few weeks now. She didn't show any other symptoms, so I was pretty sure she wasn't sick, but it didn't occur to me that allergies could show up so early in her life.
We brought her to a homeopath-type woman (natural, but not true homeopathy...), but didn't tell her what was wrong. She did a couple tests and asked, "is Jasmine allergic to pet hair?" We told her that we are both slightly allergic, so yes, it's highly likely.
She gave her medicine to overcome the allergies, which is awesome. If Josh's eye starts giving him problems again, maybe he'll go back and get some for himself.
But she said Jasmine should be away from all cat hair for a month.
Hard thing to do with two Hideous Beasts living in the house (can you feel the love?) (I'm sorry, my friends who love cats. When you step on a dead mouse barefoot and find another under your bed, and your baby can't breathe because of an allergy to them, you can probably understand why we're so fond of them. I'm not a cat lover, but I don't hate all cats, just Jerry and Reuben. Mom's cats are fine, and Kenny and Sheila's are hilarious...)
So we asked the woman who owns this house if she could take them for the month, or if she knew of somewhere else they could go.
She said that, if she knew someone willing to take them, they'd already be there.
So she said we could leave them outside for the month (there's a barn if they need shelter) and put their food out there.
Josh got at least one out this morning, hopefully both. He's busy vacuuming right now, while I write and Jasmine sleeps. I really, really hope it helps. It's really hard for me to watch her like this.

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