Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My Other Hobbies (Tuesday Blog Challenge)

Wow! Angela's keeping us busy :) I love it!!

Hobbies other than scrapping. Wow, nothing I've done in awhile.
I love jigsaw puzzles. Growing up, they were great for giving me time to think about life, or just daydream, and I loved watching the picture come together. It's still a love, though I don't do them much anymore (too hard with a baby around...the cats could make it tricky too)

I learned to crochet when I worked at JoAnn's (I thought it would help me learn more about the yarns and other products people always asked me about) I made an afghan for my sister in a little over a month, and then bought yarn to make another one, for myself,with a very similar pattern. A handful of rows into it, I decided the pattern was getting very boring, so I pull it out every so often and do another 2 rows...at this rate it will be done in about 5 or 6 years!

The clarinet has gone from being a love and my major, to being a hobby (at best...we won't discuss how long it's been since I last played it) How strange...after all those thousands of hours I put into learning it and becoming proficient, it sits under the bed with my music stand and a pile of music, just longing to be played occasionally! (okay, this is just too sad. Time to stop).

One more hobby: coming up with silly names to call the cats. None of them are very nice. I really, really wish their owners would take them with them, but no such luck...still they live with us, making it so we can't sit on the furniture without sneezing, and we don't walk anywhere barefoot without looking closely to make sure they didn't bring us another mouse. yuck.

1 comment:

Angela said...

How cool that you can play the clarinet! I wish I could play in instrument!