Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I'm shocked, nearly speechless (but not quite)

So that layout contest that Digichick held this past weekend?
Guess who won third prize!?

Yup, someone you've never heard of.
No, me, silly :)

Sorry, had a moment of being 8 again. I just couldn't believe it.
Here it is!
We were given a sketch of a layout to follow, and the question "what is your inspiration for scrapbooking?" and we had to use something by the digichicks' designers (not hard, when I saw this kit!) Thankfully, Josh had scanned tons of pictures of his family for Grandma Hudson's 80th birthday last May, so I had a beautiful picture of her as a young child, already scanned and repaired.
Credits: stitch: Vintage kit by SBB; all else IOD Felina kit by Sally Griswold and Josie Celio
Fonts: My Old Remington; Signet Roundhand


Karen said...

Congrats! You ARE that good!!!!

Josh Virkler said...

Aww! Thanks, Karen :)