Saturday, March 25, 2006

Sugarloaf Pineapple

Since the first time Josh and I talked about how we both liked pineapple, he told me about this amazing "sugarloaf pineapple," so sweet and low in acidity that you could eat it until you were stuffed...and the core so soft you could eat all of it. He hadn't had one, but in Kauai he had something almost as sweet.
Last night when we were out grocery shopping, they had a display in the produce section for...Sugarloaf Pineapples!! They are expensive (about twice the price of a normal pineapple) and smaller, and he wasn't going to get it. I couldn't believe it! I convinced him we did need to get it, that he'd be really disappointed later.
We ate it this morning. Well, half of it. It's amazing! So soft and sweet. And you really can eat the core! It's softer and even sweeter than the part closer to the edge!

So now we're trying to figure out how to grow the stuff around here :)

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