Monday, March 27, 2006

Signs of Spring

I just talked about seeing my first robin. Since then, I've seen another bunch, happily searching for worms. (so do robins migrate? I've never seen them actually flying very far)
Mom has tons of crocuses (croci?) in her garden, already showing their beautiful colors. We have green shoots, but no colors yet.
And a few more cats are visiting our yard lately. There is a female cat who lives in the barn here, owned by the other family on the property, and I think they're all eyeing her. The owner decided one litter of kittens would be fun, so she's waiting to get her fixed until after that. Goody. More animals to keep Jasmine away from!
And it just feels like spring. Even though it's still pretty cold, it's supposed to be in the low 50s all the days surrounding my birthday (next Tuesday) and since the sun is up earlier, it does feel less wintery.
Yay :)

1 comment:

Owner said...

lucky you, there's still no robins in utah yet! i can't wait til spring hits here. (of course, that means that summer's around the bend, and i hate summer in utah... lol)