Friday, March 24, 2006

My Plans for the Weekend

I really have to start doing exciting things on the weekend!!
This weekend, like most others, involves driving to my family's house (90 minutes away) on Saturday afternoon, church on Sunday, and taking it easy.
Pretty boring! But's always fun to get time with my family (they adore Jasmine...but then again, so does everyone else!) and I like the extra time with Josh.

There might be one more unusual thing happening this weekend. My brother Kenny and I used to enjoy cooking, and trying out new recipes. We also liked to make changes (like turning perfectly good lemon merengue pies the color of tomato soup!) that brought about some interesting results. He, his wife and I did that before I met Josh, making a fabulous appetizer, some yummy chicken, and a fun, easy dessert. If he's not on call this weekend, we may do that tomorrow for our family. I emailed them and am waiting to hear back...

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