Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Sister's Love

I was taking pictures of Rebekah this morning, and Jasmine came in to see what was going on. I loved this picture!! (of course, it helps that I adore both of them!)

(credits: everything is from Amy Knepper's "Young and Carefree" kit, and the layout is a scraplift of Darla Vasquez's "Perfect Hat" layout)

Overall, we're doing well transitioning from having Daddy around all the time, though nothing much is getting done. I'm trying hard to keep from doing too much and slowing down my recovery time, which is hard to do. Jasmine has discovered my Vintage Sesame Street DVDs (which is likely part of why she's suddenly so good at identifying circles!) She's a little sponge, soaking up everything in sight/hearing distance. She likes to "count" (3,6,9,4!) and whenever she sees anything with words, it's "E,F,I" so she's figuring out that symbols on the page have a meaning. She may be teaching herself to read before I teach her!

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