Friday, June 30, 2006


Well that was exciting.

we had a huge thunderstorm about 3 hours ago, and apparently there was a tornado from it, picked up a tractor-trailer and dropped it back down, completely stopping traffic on both sides of the thruway, about a mile from our house. About 2-3 miles the other direction, a tornado (or the same one??) picked up a construction vehicle and dropped it back down, so two of the main ways to go east-west in Buffalo are completely stopped.

And there's debris on the road at the intersection about 100 yards from this apartment.

God kept us safe...but it was a bit more exciting than I would have prefered today!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

{whatever I think of to write for a couple minutes}

First off, I put a link on the right side to my "101 in 1001" list, which I updated a little bit ago :) I'm doing pretty well at least tackling a lot of things on there, though I definitely have enough to keep me going for awhile longer :)

I took Jasmine over to the little picnic area on the apartment grounds. Pretty little gazebo and a few benches...nothing too exciting to a 14-month old. But I got some cute pictures, especially after a small group of ducks came over to see if we'd brought any bread. She thought they were pretty cool :)

I got a fun phone call yesterday evening from an online friend. Totally out of the blue! I was so took me a second (or 4) to figure out who she was and where I knew her from, but then we picked up talking like we'd been IRL friends for years! What a treat :) I haven't sat and talked on the phone, just to talk, in ages. Months. I used to occasionally talk to mom, but even that is mostly gone. Between a Jasmine who likes to talk on the phone when I am, a phone that still occasionally drops calls, and not feeling like life is interesting enough to call someone to talk!

Mmmmmm. I think I need another pickle. I was making myself a dish of ice cream and saw the jar of pickles in the fridge, and had to have one. No, it wasn't in the ice cream, but I did have a pickle and ice cream. Hmm. Wonder if I'm pregnant?!?!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Jasmine picked the perfect time for her new word!

Midway through today's amazing game, Jasmine started saying A-Rod (a-wa, but that's what it means!!). Perfect, since he won the game for us :)

Also, does anyone else find it odd that Bob Sheppard always says, "Please join Kate Smith as she sings 'God Bless America'"?
I mean, first of all, it's a recording. So she's not singing it...we're listening to a recording.
Secondly, she's dead. So we really don't want to "join" her, do we??? Or am I just being way too literal?? (could's happened before)

Nothing to say, or far too much??

How can I go and babble my heart out in my friend's blog, and then open up mine and not know what to say???

Jasmine decided to take a very late nap (12:15 instead of 10:00) so she's sleeping, Josh is still working, and lunch (tbd) is going to be late. I know what I'm making for dinner (potato soup, recipe forthcoming) but have no clue for lunch. I love pbj when I'm not pregnant, but with Jasmine and again with this one, I have no appetite for it. So I don't know what to do about lunch!!!

Okay, recipe. This is from Michele Osinski

Irish Potato Soup

4 lg potatoes
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup flower
1 1/2 qt milk
salt and pepper
4 green onions, chopped
1 c sour cream
2 c crisp-cooked bacon, crumbled
5 oz grated cheddar cheese

Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake the potatoes until tender. Melt butter in a medium saucepan. Slowly blend in flour with a wire whisk until thoroughly blended. Gradually add milk to the butter-flour mixture, whisking constantly.
Whisk in salt and pepper and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly. Cut potatoes in half, scoop out the meat and set aside. Chop half the potato peels and discard the remainder. When milk mixture is very hot, whisk in potato. Add green onion and potato peels. Whisk well. Add sour cream and crumbled bacon. Heat thoroughly. Add cheese, a little at a time, until it is all melted in.
Serve with crusty brown bread and fresh butter.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Story Time *Warning: slightly graphic* (tried not to be too graphic)

Well, since I hinted about this in a silly thread on TDC, I thought I'd tell the whole story here. Mom, Josh and any other family that might be reading, you've heard this story many times...

When I was 7, right after we moved to Connecticut, the light fixture above the kitchen table fell. It landed pretty much directly on my nose. I went numb immediately, but could tell it was bleeding, but I really thought it was from the impact, since I had no pain at all. (this story, from start to finish, is an amazing one of how much God is watching out for me). There were no mirrors anywhere near me, so I never saw what it looked like (another good thing). The family kinda freaked out, and mom tried to call the next door neighbor, the only neighbor we'd met so far. She wasn't home.

So mom, 7 or 8 months pregnant with Evan, ran down the street to the next house, and asked the lady there where we should go to the hospital. The lady told us to go to Springfield, a 20-minute drive (in MA). So we went, with mom sitting in the back seat with me, holding my head on her lap and a wet washcloth over my nose.

We got in there, and various people came in and looked at me. At one point a doctor (?) came in and moved my nose to see just how big of a cut it that point dad had to leave. It was bad. (across the bridge of my nose and deep) I was still numb and pretty clueless, and never even thought of asking questions.

They gave me a shot of some kind (seems like directly in the cut, but I don't know for sure) to keep it from getting infected, and the numbness immediately wore off. OUCH!! It was not pleasant.

They had the plastic surgeon on call come in to take care of me. He stitched me up (ouch!) I had 24 stitches in total. They put plugs in my nostrils (which made me sneeze constantly) and quite a bit of bandaging on my nose. They gave me an antibiotic, and mom bought me a 3 Musketeers. Both tasted horrible, with absolutely no sense of smell. When I got the plugs out a week or so later, I couldn't believe that the medicine actually tasted like grape, not just like nasty medicine!

This is just to show you how slight my scar is. In real life, in just the right light, you can see a faint line, but almost nothing. God is good. Very, very good.

55 things about me :)

I got the list for this from another blog, and thought it would be fun to do for myself.

The 55 things Meme... learn 55 things about your friends, and let them learn 55 things about you.

55 things about moi...

1)How old do you wish you were?
26 was a good year: I met Josh :)

2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
sitting in my bedroom scrapbooking, staring at the TV in disbelief.

3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
I don't think it's ever happened. It's happened often that it won't take my money though. I would be frustrated and complain to everyone I saw and then go without a snack.

4) Do you consider yourself kind?
I certainly try!

5) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
I guess my ankle.

6) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
I think I'd like to be fluent in Spanish. Sounds like fun to be able to "yell" like Ricky Ricardo.

7) Do you know your neighbors?
I've talked to one of them....

8) What do you consider a vacation?
Any day or more off, where something "fun" is planned (i.e. not a hospital trip or a funeral, but almost anything else counts)

9) Do you follow your horoscope?
Nope. It's stupid. I didn't even know what my sign was until I was in Turkey and my Turkish teacher thought it would be a good language lesson to read it there, but then I knew I was "koc" and didn't know how that translated. I know now (aries) but couldn't care less.

10) Would you move for the person you loved?
As long as it's to someplace warmer...

11) Are you touchy feely?
nope. Just with Josh and Jasmine. Otherwise, give me my space!

12) Do you believe that opposites attract?
Well, you look at Josh and I and answer that :)

13) Dream job?
I'm doing it!!

14) Favorite channel(s)?
YES Network (GO Yankees!!)

15) Favorite place to go on weekends?
my parents' house

16) Showers or Baths?
Showers to get clean, baths to relax

17) Do you paint your nails?
Nope. I do once or twice a summer, because I hate the smell of the remover so I leave it on until it's all chipped off. Gross.

18) Do you trust people easily?
Yeah, I think so.

19) What are your phobias?
spidders, water, heights

20) Do you want kids?
I sure hope so!

21) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
Not anymore.

22) Where would you rather be right now?
Sitting on a beach with Josh, taking pictures of Jasmine exploring the sand and waves.

23) Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
Definitely Josh.

24) Heavy or light sleeper?
I used to be a heavy sleeper, but I wake up pretty easily these days. (Correction: Josh says I'm just a light sleeper, period.)

25) Are you paranoid?

26) Are you impatient?
Some of the time...depends on what it is. Some things I'm very patient about, like waiting to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl, but others I can hardly wait for, like, um, everything else :)

27) If today was your last day on earth, how would you feel?
Sad that I wouldn't see my family anymore, happy that I was going to meet my Lord

28) How do you feel about interracial couples?
They're fine with me! Jasmine adores her Uncle Leo :)

29) Have you been burned by love?

30) What's your favorite pick-up line?
Want me to bring home Chinese for dinner?

31) What's your main ringtone on your mobile?
"tap dance" (sounds like the old Mario song)

32) What were you doing at midnight last night?
sleeping, nursing

33) What did the last text on your cellphone say?
uh, I don't know. It's been months.

34) Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
The Virkler Family Bed :D

35) What color shirt are you wearing?
I'm wearing a navy dress

36) Most recent movie you watched?
I Spy

37) Name three things you have on you at all times?
wedding band, diamond, underwear

38.) What color are your bed sheets?
navy (sensing a trend?)

39) How much cash do you have on you right now?
None. Josh holds it.

40) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
the thigh.

41) What's your favorite town/city?

42) I can't wait till:
I meet "Placido"

43) What did you have for dinner last night?
Grilled Chicken Tortillas

44) How tall are you barefoot?
5'10" (one doctor said 5'9.5" and he's now in my will!)

45) Do you own a gun?
Josh does, at his parents' house

46) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
flavored coffee, with milk and sugar

47) What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
chocolate fudge ;)

48) Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
Hopefully on an island in the tropics, with Josh and 2+ kids.

49) Last thing you ate?
Ritz crackers and a glass of milk

50) What songs do you sing in the shower?
You Are My Sunshine and others of Jasmine's to do something to keep her happy while I shower!

51) Last thing that made you laugh?

52) Worst injury you've ever had?
Broken right ring finger (don't ask)

53) Does someone have a crush on you?
I hope not!

54) What's your favorite candy?
Something with chocolate in it.

55) What song do you want played at your funeral?
maybe Amazing Grace, played by bagpipes. :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Brand-spankin' new layout

I sent a copy to Josh, but he's away from his computer and I'm itching for some feedback :) I'm thinking of sending it in to Creating Keepsakes but want to make sure there's nothing I could do to make it better.

(credits: Wild paisley--christina dudley
JennStar_stamped alphas
Nancie Rowe Janitz INKED EDGE (recolored)
font: lauren c brown, downloaded from

Here are larger versions of each page. I'm specifically wondering if the pictures are muddy or if there's too much contrast...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Church Nurseries

There is a sign outside the nursery in our church, asking the nursery workers to be there waiting for babies at the start of the service, "so that their parents aren't distracted."

I hugged Jasmine so tightly when I read that. May she never be seen as a distraction to overcome.

She and I stay in the sanctuary during worship...Josh's dad or mom usually holds her for it because they love the time with her. As soon as she gets antsy, I take her out. There's a "nursing mother's room" that pipes in the service, so that used to work well. Unfortunately Jasmine's outgrown the toys in there, so spent about a half hour in there until she got tired of it and wanted out (after my telling her not to carry around the garbage can!) So we walked around the halls and foyer for the rest of the longer-than-usual service.

I've brought her in to the nursery a couple times, staying in there with her. She likes to be with me (how long until she can't wait to be with her friends and not want to have me in her line of sight??) But that wasn't an option today, since she has a bit of a runny nose (likely allergies or because of teething...they're almost through, and then she's done 'til her 2-year molars!) so she just wandered around the halls for the time until the service was done.

Sure, there are times I wish I could sit and hear the sermon. But I don't want to rush this time. She loves being with her mama, and I don't want to do anything to make that end sooner than it needs to. I know she'll grow up and be independent, so I'm going to love this time as long as I can :)

It's funny. I used to work in the nursery in church...I loved babysitting as a teenager! But that's just's babysitting :) Not that there's anything wrong with babysitting, but it isn't a time for kids to learn about God. Not when they're 6 months old and are let to play with toys that are different from the ones they have at home!

The other thing that keeps me away, is that with my youngest few brothers, they always seemed to get sick mid-week. Other moms would bring their kids to nursery with runny noses, not thinking anything of it, and Jacob or Benjamin would get sick. Then it would go through our family, and we'd all miss school for a day or two, and possibly church the next week.

Our church does a great job of sanitizing toys after a child has chewed on it, but they can't get all of it! I'm sure more than one toy has been in more than one child's mouth during one service, before the nursery workers could clean it!

And that's why I don't put Jasmine in the nursery :)

Friday, June 23, 2006

Scrapping update and other thoughts

Thought I'd post some of my most recent layouts. I've been on quite a roll lately, so I won't put all of them up...just a few :)
A summary of our first year of marriage, complete with four major trips :)

This is Jasmine in her dress from Karen and Caroline (Jim too, I s'pose!) (that reminds me, I wanted to write some baseball thoughts)

This one is one of my favorite pictures of Jasmine. I made it for a contest Val, the woman who created the papers and elements, is having right now :)

Okay, I think I've mentioned how we're working at paying off our debts. We owe a lot of money, thanks to some not-so-practical decisions we made before we got married and early in our marriage (see first layout to see where a good chunk of money went). So we're taking this time to get completely out of debt, and, in the process, learning how to live within our means. It's not necessarily easy, but it's really not bad.

He's working overtime, but since he comes home for lunch, it doesn't seem that bad. Someday he'll go back to working 8-hour days and we'll be shocked at all the extra time we get together :) It's good right now anyways, because he had way more to do at work than he had time to do. So it's good all around.

We've been reading numerous books on getting out of debt, and the one we read last night confirmed that everything we've done and are doing is helping us do this. We were both so completely encouraged! It also gave some great suggestions for getting the mortgage paid more quickly, so when we're ready to buy a house, we'll be able to pay that more quickly too. :)

And baseball. :)
Karen, you mentioned in your blog that I could only vote for people if you approved of them too. I voted the last couple years for the Yankees that were listed, hoping to see a pinstripe-laden American League team in the all-star game. But I've been realizing something lately.
You, and many others I know, are a baseball fan. You love the game. You can pick players from a number of teams as your favorites.

I am a Yankees fan. I love my players. I talk about "us" winning or losing. Forget the fact that I can't throw, hit, catch or run, I consider the Yankees almost like my family. I like that the expectations for them as professionals is so high, they don't put up with prima donnas (okay, Randy Johnson has a bit of prima donna in him, but nothing like Raol Mondesi, who lost his pinstripes as soon as he "sat out" a game because he didn't like Joe's decision...and we won't even talk about Manny or Pedro, who would never become Yankees)

Besides, I don't watch the All-Star game. It would be fun for the players, getting an opportunity to represent your team, play with people you usually play against, and all that...but it doesn't matter! Sure, it determines home-field advantage, but it really is more for the fun than anything else (I know, what does baseball really matter, either?!) So I've decided not to vote. The Yankees have the most fans of probably any team, so they don't need one more person voting for all-pinstripes :)

okay, I'm done babbling now. :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Appointment

Guess what? I'm pregnant :D

The appointment went beautifully. They changed my due date (in my favor) to the 19th, so that gives me three more days. Which is good, because they won't get me go past a week over. That frightens me a bit, or could, but I believe that God has a perfect plan for us, and that this baby won't take as long to "cook" as Jasmine did. So if you do so, I'd love for prayers for that to come to pass.

I met one nurse and one of the two practitioners. They were both wonderful, very sweet and took the time to talk to me for awhile.

They'll want to keep a closer eye on me near the end, to make sure the baby doesn't get too big...I mentioned to the practitioner that part of Jasmine's delay was because her hand was by her head...but they'll still keep an eye on us.

(I edited this because it was sounding too preachy. Sorry!!)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I updated the list!

Here is a link to my updated "101 in 1001" list. I've actually gotten somewhere on it!

I think it's cool. When I made the list, I put a lot of things on there that I wanted to do, but hadn't gotten around to doing. So having it written out is making me more likely to "choose" to do those things, and then I have the advantage of being able to check them off the list :) I love it!

Monday, June 19, 2006

101 update, and comparing symptoms from last time

I have to go update my 101 list!! :) Katie and I made a 5-course dinner for my family for Father's Day. YUMMMM!! It was a little crazy, but it all went well and was very yummy!

When I was pregnant with Jasmine, the first symptom I had was a metallic taste in my mouth for weeks. It wasn't very pleasant (better than morning sickness, though!) My skin was so clear for the whole pregnancy.

So far, that's what's different this time. I'm tired like last time, but no metallic taste, and my skin isn't as clear as it was with her.

So do you think I'm having a boy or a girl?? I carried low and all in front with her, so that doesn't match the old wives' tale. Family seems to think it's a boy...I won't be finding out (unless it's completely unmistakable at the ultrasound, but hopefully that won't happen) so we won't know until some time in late February :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I'm proud of myself :)

For non-scrappers, I'll start with an explanation.

People who create elements/kits/papers for digital scrapbooking usually have a "creative team," a group of scrapbookers who receive the kits and make pages with them, with the intent of those pages creating more interest and make people want to buy their kits.

I never thought I would apply to be on a team, because usually being given a requirement stifles my ability to actually create.

But one of the designers on TDC, whose stuff is absolutely amazing, had a call for 5 new people on her CT, so I decided to give it a try. I applied on Tuesday, knowing we wouldn't find out until today. It's been a long week, wondering, hoping I could do it, hoping I wouldn't be devestated if I didn't get on her team.

I dreamed about it last night...half my dreams I made it, the other half of the dreams I didn't. So I really didn't know how this would turn out!

I'm not on the team. She hasn't posted the official list, but said she sent out the emails for it, and no email for me.

I'm really okay with it! Sure, it would have been amazing...all of her kits, free, to play with...but I'm fine with it. This just isn't the right time.

Maybe I'll try again for another team, if I really like the designer's work...


Friday, June 16, 2006

D-day minus, uh, 8 months

My due date is 8 months from today :D

I should really keep telling people I'm due "late February" so they don't expect that I'll be holding him/her before or on Valentine's Day. So remember: Jasmine was two weeks late. Don't expect me to go early this time! (I wouldn't mind if this one wanted to be a bit more punctual, but coming on time doesn't seem to be a high priority in my family's births, and Jasmine followed suit.)

We're going to have a fun weekend. The guys are going golfing on Sunday, taking Dad out, and Katie and I are making a 5-course dinner for everyone. It will be a lunchtime fancy dinner, because she and Tim have to be at his dad's house at 2:30. I'm looking forward to it should be a lot of fun :)

Here is a video of Jasmine's new game. We didn't teach her, but she's figured out how to play "tiddlywinks" with her Cheerios. Some land outside of her tray, but for this video most didn't go too far. She's so cute :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Houston, we have a beating heart!!

It's still faaaar too early to see/hear it, but "Placido's" heart is going to start beating today. Isn't that beautiful? It's such a miracle. So perfect.

We've had a couple of rough nights. I don't know if it's allergies or teeth or both, or something else entirely, but Jasmine woke up every hour (or more, one time I noticed it was 20 minutes after the last time) crying/complaining and wanting to nurse again. Makes me glad she sleeps with me though...I can't imagine having gotten up out of bed to comfort her that many times! She's asleep now, so I'm going to lean back and sleep too. Mommy's tired!!!

I can't believe I didn't mention this yesterday!!!
One of my layouts was chosen as "layout of the day" on The Digi Chick!!!

I was soooo shocked and excited.

There were two things that made this really funny. First of all, about an hour before Darla posted that, I was thinking, "you know, it would be really cool if, someday, I got "layout of the day."
The second thing will be funny for anyone who knows how my mind works (if that's you, I'm sorry :D )
I love order. I love to figure things out ahead of time, I love to make things neat and orderly.
When I made this page, I picked my papers and pictures, and brought them all into one file. Then I started making random squares and rectangles with the various papers. I moved them around a little until they looked right, added a bunch of embellishments (way more than normal) and was done! :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

part 2

I made an appointment.

Unfortunately, i won't get to meet her this time...I'll be seeing one of the practitioners.

And the three hospitals she has priviledges at, don't have any tubs. So there goes my waterbirth. Or even laboring in the water. I want to stay at home as long as possible anyways, but I loved being in the water during contractions, so that's sad.
Josh's dad knows another doctor with midwives in his practice, but he's a guy, which we'd rather not have, so he's definitely plan B. We'll go see him if we're not comfortable with her practice,'s good to have a backup plan. We never did have that with Jasmine.

28-day challenge and other stuff

Nora on TheDigiChick is doing another 28-day challenge. It's said that it takes 28 days to build a new habit, so this is setting aside 28 days to do just that. I'm jumping in, working at drinking 8 8-oz glasses of water a day. I'm on day four, and I've gotten between 7 and 9 so far the first three days. I'm not counting coffee (though it's decaf so it doesn't "negate" my water-drinking), or milk...just water. I'm a little disappointed I'm not quite at 8, but I'm close, so I'll just keep trying and not get down on myself.

I need to call the doctor we're hoping to go to for this baby...I'm nervous and excited. If you pray, please do...after a midwife that let us choose absolutely everything, I'm nervous that this doctor will want to tell us what to do...apparently she has midwives in her practice, and she's very pro-natural birth...but will she let me give birth in the water? Or in any position I want? How late will she let me go? (I'm hoping this one won't be as late as Jasmine, but it's good to be prepared).

I have a book coming that's got great herbal information in it. Apparently even covers what to do to prevent uterine exaustion, which, to the best of my knowledge, is what happened with Jasmine. And anything I can do to make sure my chances of hemmoraging again are lower, I'll do that too. Hope it comes soon. I can't wait to start learning!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Quick Sunday Post

Just wanted to say everything's fine, since I haven't emailed anyone or written here in a few days. I know people get nervous :)

I'm working on a page of Jasmine and Josh, and I'll post that when I finish it (likely tomorrow).

Off to cheer on my Yanks and eat our (late) lunch...yum! Leftover Chinese :)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ummm...I guess I'm making this public!

In case you haven't already heard or seen, I have huge news.

Jasmine isn't going to be an only child much longer. :)

It's still very, very early, but I'm expecting! Due February 16, 2007. With Jasmine's arrival date, don't expect a Valentine's Baby, but you never know...God could throw us a curve ball :)

We're very excited, but a little nervous...Jasmine has calmed down but still requires a lot of energy, so this will be interesting. Since she still sleeps with us, I'm praying I won't be up for too many midnight bathroom runs...

So that's our excitement for the week/month/9 months :)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It's fixed

Jasmine's eyes are getting heavy, so hopefully I'm off to bed soon. Yay :)

I fixed the list. You can let me know if you find any other duplicates :) I forgot, again, to fix the intro, since that was written when I had only written the first half...I go in and update changes, and forget all about the first half!

We had Josh's parents over for dinner tonight. I made something I've made one time before ("chicken pillows", really yummy) but this time they got a little burned on the bottom. Grrr. Because there were two cookie sheets in the oven at one time, the oven thermometer had to get I think it was too hot again. I set it at 300 to actually be at 350, and it was STILL too hot. Crazy, man.

I'll stop before I put my audience (if i have one tonight) to sleep :)

Just to make sure I end on a good note, here's my most recent Jasmine page: (on TDC)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Not only did I goof and have two duplicates (Thanks, Karen, for finding the second), but I apparently need to learn how to count ;)

I'll work on those additional 11 tomorrow. It's too late to be thinking like that tonight.

101 update

I've been working on some of the things on my list.

Today is my seventh day in a dress :) I cheated a little though and wore pants for a couple hours, a couple days, so I'll go another couple days before I count it a week.

It wasn't anything huge to me. My mom wore skirts almost all the time while I grew up, purely by choice, so it's just a normal thing. I prefer pants, but I'm hoping this will make it more of a choice, and not wearing pants because I forget I own dresses and skirts :) I didn't put it on the list, but I've put Jasmine in dresses every day too. That's pretty easy since she got a bunch of cute ones for her birthday, but it's kinda fun that we're both dressing this way :)

The apartment is getting closer and closer to looking like we've lived here for awhile. I keep thinking it's childproof and then Jasmine finds something that isn't, so I've been coming up with clever ways to keep things out of her sight if she shouldn't have them.

She's ready for a nap so that's all for now :)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Proving Josh's Point....

...that nearly all of my layouts are of Jasmine :)

All on TDC :)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Quite a Scare

Josh forwarded an email to me from Compassion International a little bit ago. We have two sponsored children through them, one in Indonesia and one in Peru. The email was to let us know that 12 of Compassion's projects were affected by the earthquake, and three children were killed.

I freaked out. They said they'd get in touch with people whose children were affected, and I would have hoped they'd call people whose children had died, before sending out a message like that. So I found her card, and she lives in a project not listed on their website as the one that lost the children.

I don't know anything else...we may not know for awhile if they lost their house or the school or anything, but at least we know she is still alive.

I wrote her a letter online, which will hopefully get to her soon. It seems to take about 2 months from start to finish, but I'm kinda hoping they'll rush these a little...

It's bringing back some pictures and memories of the earthquake in Istanbul. In a culture that believes in a capricious god, it's hard to relax after an earthquake, especially when there are constant aftershocks. People got so worried and lived in such a constant state of fear after the earthquakes, and since Indonesia also had the Tsunami 1 1/2 years ago, I'm sure they're not exactly relaxing right now. There are still people in Turkey who are living in containers, having gotten totally scared and refusing to move back into a building, for fear that it, too, will collapse. And that earthquake was in August of 1999!

This is pretty disjointed...sorry. I'm trying to sort out my thoughts, but it's not coming out very clearly.

If you pray, please pray for her. It always helps me when I'm praying for something like this, when there's a name to go along with the large group of people, so you can pray for Priskila. Thanks :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Bedtime Story

Once upon a time, a family was praying together. They got to the end, and the mommy said, "In Jesus' Name," and paused. And the baby said "AAAA-meh." :)

In other news, Jasmine has a new word :)

Rearranging Furniture

I love rearranging furniture. Josh came home one day to find furniture and "stuff" all along the hallway and into the living room, and the bed unassembled...I couldn't get it turned 90 degrees and wasn't strong enough to dismantle the frame to do it. And Jasmine's presence doesn't exactly simplify things.

But there's a shelf that we had in the living room, and each level of the shelf was only attached on the back, so Jasmine had fun banging them down and occasionally hurting herself with it. So it had to go, but that shelf was holding the lamp.

Solution: completely rearrange the room! The TV didn't move (there's no way I could move it!) but all the smaller furniture did. Here are the 'before' pictures:

And here's what it looks like now (sorry that the colors are so bad...didn't take the time to try to fix them up at all):

Jasmine "Reading"

Hopefully it will work didn't yesterday.

Jasmine Reading.

(oh, I figured out why. This should be fine now.) :)