Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Appointment

Guess what? I'm pregnant :D

The appointment went beautifully. They changed my due date (in my favor) to the 19th, so that gives me three more days. Which is good, because they won't get me go past a week over. That frightens me a bit, or could, but I believe that God has a perfect plan for us, and that this baby won't take as long to "cook" as Jasmine did. So if you do so, I'd love for prayers for that to come to pass.

I met one nurse and one of the two practitioners. They were both wonderful, very sweet and took the time to talk to me for awhile.

They'll want to keep a closer eye on me near the end, to make sure the baby doesn't get too big...I mentioned to the practitioner that part of Jasmine's delay was because her hand was by her head...but they'll still keep an eye on us.

(I edited this because it was sounding too preachy. Sorry!!)


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a beautiful plan and some wonderful caretakers to back you up...I hope and pray that it all goes as planned, but I also hope you aren't disappointed if it doesn't. My first hope for God's plan for you is a healthy baby, and I know that is your first concern, too. I have just heard so many stories about births that were a big disappointment for Mom because she had a plan that didn't go the way she wanted it I'm just saying I hope it works out for you that way, but if it doesn't, just know that whatever does happen, THAT was ultimately the plan :) .

Congrats on your blessing!

Michelle said...

Charlene - I understood what you meant. But ditto to what Kathy is saying too. You've already had one birth go completely differently than you thought it would, so you do know what's it's like. And you know that the way it happens doesn't matter, but the end result does. And your end result is a gorgeous little girl! But the power of positive thinking and praying is not to be undermined either.
And it's your blog - say it the way you want, girl! :)

Karen said...

Hey - It's your blog - don't feel like you have to edit because you sound too "preachy". That's what blogs are for. This is your forum to say what you think. So don't worry so much what others think. =-) Easier said than done, I know.

I also ditto what the two wise ladies before me have said. Caroline's birth went was in no way close to what I had "planned" in my head. But I got things out of it that I never would have learned having her the regualar way. And I am really, really grateful for those lessons.

The biggest thing was mostly to know what I want and to educate myself and to advocate for myself, but then to LET GO.

Toughest thing I ever (and continue to) have done.

PS - have you voted for the all-star game yet?!?! =-)