Monday, June 19, 2006

101 update, and comparing symptoms from last time

I have to go update my 101 list!! :) Katie and I made a 5-course dinner for my family for Father's Day. YUMMMM!! It was a little crazy, but it all went well and was very yummy!

When I was pregnant with Jasmine, the first symptom I had was a metallic taste in my mouth for weeks. It wasn't very pleasant (better than morning sickness, though!) My skin was so clear for the whole pregnancy.

So far, that's what's different this time. I'm tired like last time, but no metallic taste, and my skin isn't as clear as it was with her.

So do you think I'm having a boy or a girl?? I carried low and all in front with her, so that doesn't match the old wives' tale. Family seems to think it's a boy...I won't be finding out (unless it's completely unmistakable at the ultrasound, but hopefully that won't happen) so we won't know until some time in late February :)

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