We've had a couple of rough nights. I don't know if it's allergies or teeth or both, or something else entirely, but Jasmine woke up every hour (or more, one time I noticed it was 20 minutes after the last time) crying/complaining and wanting to nurse again. Makes me glad she sleeps with me though...I can't imagine having gotten up out of bed to comfort her that many times! She's asleep now, so I'm going to lean back and sleep too. Mommy's tired!!!
I can't believe I didn't mention this yesterday!!!
One of my layouts was chosen as "layout of the day" on The Digi Chick!!!

I was soooo shocked and excited.
There were two things that made this really funny. First of all, about an hour before Darla posted that, I was thinking, "you know, it would be really cool if, someday, I got "layout of the day."
The second thing will be funny for anyone who knows how my mind works (if that's you, I'm sorry :D )
I love order. I love to figure things out ahead of time, I love to make things neat and orderly.
When I made this page, I picked my papers and pictures, and brought them all into one file. Then I started making random squares and rectangles with the various papers. I moved them around a little until they looked right, added a bunch of embellishments (way more than normal) and was done! :)
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