Thursday, June 29, 2006

{whatever I think of to write for a couple minutes}

First off, I put a link on the right side to my "101 in 1001" list, which I updated a little bit ago :) I'm doing pretty well at least tackling a lot of things on there, though I definitely have enough to keep me going for awhile longer :)

I took Jasmine over to the little picnic area on the apartment grounds. Pretty little gazebo and a few benches...nothing too exciting to a 14-month old. But I got some cute pictures, especially after a small group of ducks came over to see if we'd brought any bread. She thought they were pretty cool :)

I got a fun phone call yesterday evening from an online friend. Totally out of the blue! I was so took me a second (or 4) to figure out who she was and where I knew her from, but then we picked up talking like we'd been IRL friends for years! What a treat :) I haven't sat and talked on the phone, just to talk, in ages. Months. I used to occasionally talk to mom, but even that is mostly gone. Between a Jasmine who likes to talk on the phone when I am, a phone that still occasionally drops calls, and not feeling like life is interesting enough to call someone to talk!

Mmmmmm. I think I need another pickle. I was making myself a dish of ice cream and saw the jar of pickles in the fridge, and had to have one. No, it wasn't in the ice cream, but I did have a pickle and ice cream. Hmm. Wonder if I'm pregnant?!?!

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