Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ummm...I guess I'm making this public!

In case you haven't already heard or seen, I have huge news.

Jasmine isn't going to be an only child much longer. :)

It's still very, very early, but I'm expecting! Due February 16, 2007. With Jasmine's arrival date, don't expect a Valentine's Baby, but you never know...God could throw us a curve ball :)

We're very excited, but a little nervous...Jasmine has calmed down but still requires a lot of energy, so this will be interesting. Since she still sleeps with us, I'm praying I won't be up for too many midnight bathroom runs...

So that's our excitement for the week/month/9 months :)


Stacey said...

Oh how exciting!!!! CONGRATS!!! Here is to a healthy and happy 9 months!!!

Angela said...

OMG!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

Anne said...

That's wonderful!!!

And Valentine's babies can be great. And I should know (Bridget was 2/14/04)

Deanna said...

Yay, Charlene! I am so happy for you! (I'll have to add you to my list of blogs that I stalk regularly. ;)


~Melissa~ said...

I've been trying to post for awhile now... darn blogger. LOL

CONGRATS that's incredible news! I'm so happy for you and now you can adjust your 1001 list! YEAH...

Here's to a healthy, happy 9 months!

Anonymous said...

I just saw your ticker at TDC and wanted to pop on over to offer a Congrats to you!! That's such exciting news!!! Best of luck with your pregnancy!